
Monday, March 29, 2010

Meet Me There

If the breeze is perfumed with lilac and violet
If the music is an orchestra in the west
If the cushion I sit on is grass soft as velvet
Meet me there, on the porch I love best

My porch may be high on a hill ‘neath a willow
Or down in the valley in a fern-laced berth
It may be a stump in the heart of a forest
Meet me there, tis heaven on earth

The silence is broken perhaps by the whisper
Of a soft breeze sighing in the pines
The filtered sunlight creates mystic shadows
Dancing to the music of nature’s design

Meet me there for a one hour vacation
Where the air is pure as heaven’s breath
Meet me there in the heart of creation
Meet me on this porch, God’s heaven on earth

All Rights Reserved
Janet Martin

1 comment:

  1. Now I see where your blog name came from. Even in the begining your voice Now I see where your blog name came from. Even in the beginning, your voice was pure.was pure.


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!