
Thursday, June 6, 2013

Make Glad This Day

Make glad this day in love’s kind way
Plant words of gentleness and cheer
For soon the hour, like spring’s sweet flow’r
Will yield its bloom and disappear

Make glad this day of gold or gray
How swift the veil of twilight falls
To fold the page upon a stage
Of scenes that only thought recalls

Make glad this day in some small way
Do not withhold from God His due
From His embrace this day of grace
He freely gives to me and you

© Janet Martin

This day begins gray with a forecast of much rain.
I look about my house, not warmed gold by the sun
but the grayness seems to amplify everything that is not done.
Yet, before a huge sigh escapes my lips
I am reminded of love’s prescript
and  humbly I lift my thought to pray,
Lord, help me to make glad this day.

One evening as we were preparing  supper I asked Victoria how we could make this meal extra-special to celebrate a seemingly ordinary day. She darted to my china cupboard, returned with a crystal bowl for the carrot sticks:)


  1. This would make a wonderful hymn.


  2. Hi Janet! Thank you for stopping by my blogs yesterday and for your sweet comment. It is so nice to meet you! Your poetry is beautiful, so thoughtful and though-provoking. I especially enjoyed the one about Lou. :) I felt like I was exploring as I was reading along, and uncovering layer after layer of depth. Those are the best kinds of poems I think for children to memorize, because they stay in their minds and grow with them in meaning as the years go by. You are a wonderful writer! I also appreciated reading about your inspiration for the poem, I always enjoy it with authors do that. We sure had a gray and cloudy day yesterday too. We were in the path of the big tropical storm. The worst part past by us thankfully. Have a lovely day ahead! Delisa :)


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!